Don’t typically complain publicly, but given the experience with this vehicle it’s hard to contain the frustration. We had the first ST for about 10 days before electrical challenges had it back at the dealer for quite a while. These challenges could not be diagnosed and resolved so the dealership made it right and replaced it with another identical ST. Hey, good for us right? Well actually no. Today after having the new new ST for 5 weeks while driving today it completely died. We lost braking, steering and every other function. Luckily we were on a local road with limited traffic and were able to glide to safe stop. There was zero electrical power so no flashers, no door unlocks, no access to the way back without seat gymnastics. We checked the battery terminal connections and all visible wiring. We then tried a jump pack which didn’t do anything. Ford Pass app says it’s still running. Ford roadside came and towed it off for diagnosis and hopeful fixing. I’m hesitant to let my wife drive it because I don’t trust the vehicle. Imagine if she was on the interstate or approaching a busy intersection and this happened. I’m a patient person, but 2 new vehicles both with significant electrical problems has me questioning Ford quality. Stay safe everyone.
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